my favourate~~~conan

my favourate~~~conan

Sunday, February 25, 2007

a week passed so quickly!

This week passed so quickly, and I though my presentation was just finished yesterday. I was planed that I should do lots of stuff during this week. But I suddenly found that I have wasted plenty of time. This feeling was too bad!

Yesterday, I worked pretty late because there was a concert on campus and we got very busy. Our store was just at the opposite of the assembly room. Actually, it was very boring before the
audiences started to enter. This band may be very famous because one girl in our store was so exciting after she heard the band’s name. I noticed that almost everyone who was waiting to enter was drinking, most of them are alcohol. What’s more, some guys were in drink. They shouted and cried. They seemed like crazy! These guys really scared me!

This is the last day of the reading week; I really hope we could get a longer break than that
. Anyway, it’s the Chinese New Year!!! I wish I could go beck china to celebrate with my family. I miss them so much and I kept calling them almost everyday.

At last, hope everyone get a good mark on the following mid-term!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Chinese new year!!

Wow! Today is Chinese New Year! Hope everyone enjoys their lives and have good change!
Because of the New Year, I miss my parents much more than usual. I called them yesterday and I can hear people light crackers in the street. However, I cannot feel this kind of festive atmosphere here. Sometimes I also forgot now it is the Chinese New Year which is the most important festival in China.
The first day of the reading week has passed. The day has simply flown by. The most of the time I was sleeping and it made me so happy. These two weeks were a bit of tired, and I had lots of things to do. I think I really need a break. However, I still need to study because I had to prepare my mid-term. And I have an essay to write which is about the dream. I really think this
topic is difficult to write. What’s more, this time doesn’t have first and second draft. Anyway, I will try my best.
By the way, I want to tell my friend who found a boyfriend few days before: Be happy! Be Cheerful!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Finally, this week has passed! This is a really tired week since this semester began. We had lot of stuffs to do. The homework would kill me; sometimes I had to do that homework until night. I missed my bed so much during this couple of days. I am that kind of person who needs to sleep more than 10 hours. HaHa!
Today was so cold, but I had to go to school to prepare my presentation with my friend Becky. Our topic is “pyramid: curses or science”. We found some interesting information from the website. However, some of the information made me scares. In fact, I really afraid of the ghost or something have the connection of the ghost. I remembered I watched a movie about the ghost when I was in grade 6. I was so scared at that time and I could not get over of it until I went to senior high school. After that time, I dare not to watch that kind of movie any more. Even though some of you may think I’m a child and coward, the scenes made my comfortlessness. So please don’t ask me if you guys want to see this kind of movies!

By the way, happy valentine's day!!!!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

stuff party!

it's was a crazy week! All of the stuffs seemed like frozen!! I hate cold weather! I think I had got a cold today because my head hurt.
Today I went to u of c that my boss wanted to hold a party to let us know each other. However, when I came there, I found only four girls came and others didn’t. What’s more, the two Chinese girls who I know didn’t come either! I suddenly realized I would stay with five Canadian alone at the following time. I was a bit of nervous. This is my first experience to go to bar with Canadian. We went to the Den, but it was closed. So we had to go upstairs to the Lounge. We ordered some juice and snakes. To my surprise, I just knew my boss is only 20s years old. I thought my English was so poor and I dared not to talk before there young Canadians. Therefore, most of the time, I was a listener. Any way,
it’s a good chance to practice my listening. They talked about some funny or strange customs and interesting things! I thought I was pretty quilt this afternoon and I was too shy to talk. I need more bravery next time.
Oh, there is only one day left and I still have lots of homework! Oh, my god! how poor am I!!